Passivhaus Affiliate

2021 UK Passivhaus Awards Ceremony

Date: 30 June 2021 Time: 15:00 - 17:30
Location: Online Cost: Free to attend, booking is essential.

2021 UK Passivhaus Awards Ceremony

The Oscars for building performance once again return! Much has changed since the previous UK Passivhaus Awards ceremony in 2018 – notably the declaration of a Climate Emergency and a sharpened awareness of the complexity, scale, and speed at which we need to act. 

Passivhaus buildings provide beautifully comfortable internal environments and help deliver net-zero targets by drastically slashing energy & subsequent carbon emissions from buildings. This is the only awards dedicated to celebrating Passivhaus schemes in the UK.

Coinciding with London Climate Action Week and free to attend, the 2021 Passivhaus Awards ceremony takes place online. Join us for an engaging and entertaining afternoon where we hear all about this year's shortlisted projects. Vote for your favourite, and be among the first to hear the winners. 

2021 UK Passivhaus Award Ceremonies: Book Now






Welcome, Emma Osmundsen, Passivhaus Trust


Introduction - Charlie Luxton


Small Projects

Ecology Building Society


Larch Corner Passivhaus

Larch CornerMark Siddall, LEAP

(All finalists allocated 6 min presentation + 2-min video + short Q&A)


New Forest EnerPHit

New Forest EnerPHitRuth Butler, Ruth Butler Architects


Devon Passivhaus, McLean Quinlan © Jim Stephenson

Devon PassivhausNigel Dutt.


Small Projects winner announcement


Large Projects



Agar Grove 1a, ©Jack Hobhouse

Agar Grove Phase 1aSpeaker tbc


Cranmer Road

Cranmer RoadGwilym Still, Max Fordham 


Seaton Beach

Seaton Beach, Mike Webb, Seaton Beach Developments


Large Projects winner announcement


People's Choice Voting

Winner announcement



NB - Draft programme subject to changes


Free to attend, booking essential.



2021 UK Passivhaus Award Ceremonies: Book Now


Who wins, you decide!

Shortlisted finalists present their projects to a virtual audience, vying for votes at the online UK Passivhaus Awards Ceremony.

  • 1 award winner in each category is chosen by a PHT member vote. (One category vote per PHT member organisation.A link to the online poll will be issued to all members via email prior to the awards ceremony.)
  • 1 award winner across all category finalists is chosen by the public in a People's Choice Award. (PHT Members may also cast their vote in the People's Choice Award.)


#PHTawards2021Further Information

UK Passivhaus Awards 2021

UK Passivhaus Awards Hall of Fame

10 Years of Passivhaus: Seminal UK Projects

Passivhaus Trust tenth Anniversary

London Climate Action Week


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