Passivhaus taking off in Dumfries & Galloway
Loreburn Housing Association describes Passivhaus as "the gold standard of energy efficient design" and has embarked on a new build programme that commits to delivering Passivhaus-standard affordable housing across Dumfries & Galloway. From year 2023/24, Loreburn has a five-year development programme that will deliver up to 250 Passivhaus standard, affordable homes, with a mixture of Extra Care, supported and general needs accommodation.
Murtholm, Langholm (Phase 1)
Station Road, Dalbeattie
Forsyth Street, Dumfries
Longmeadow, Annan
PHT member Ashleigh (Scotland) Ltd is involved with the Murtholm, Station Road and Longmeadow projects. Robison Construction was involved in Fortsyth Street. Robert Potter & Partners are involved in all of the above schemes as Architects and Passivhaus Designers.
Robert Potter and Partners are delighted to assist Loreburn in achieving their vision of implementing Passivhaus Standard design across their new build developments. The high-quality affordable housing will provide an energy-efficient solution to tackling the issues of fuel poverty and resident health, while simultaneously playing a part in Loreburn's journey to net zero carbon.
Jonathan Potter, Senior Partner, Robert Potter & Partners
In the pipeline
Loreburn also has the following projects in the pipeline. The exact number of Passivhaus certified units within each development is yet to be confirmed.
- Selkirk Road, Moffat: 74 homes
Hayley’s Yard, Dumfries: 18 homes
College Road, Dumfries: 16 homes
Rosebank Farm, Dumfries: 18 homes
Murtholm, Langholm (Phase 2): Up to 65 homes.
Post-occupancy evaluation
Following the completion of its Passivhaus units at Forysth Street and Longmeadow, Loreburn HA is currently carrying out a detailed post-occupancy evaluation exercise that will measure thermal comfort, humidity, CO2 levels, as well as energy usage. This exercise will also compare data from Passivhaus homes with homes built to Silver Active Standard (as per Building Standards Scotland) to understand the differences between the two qualities of build and what this means for the end user. It is expected that the post occupancy report, following analysis of a full year’s worth of data, will be complete by mid-March 2023.
Scottish Standards
Loreburn Housing Association has been vocal in its support for Passivhaus, including offering supportive statements and feedback in the consultation on the Private Member's Domestic Building Environmental Standards (Scotland) Bill which has now been adopted by the Scottish Government.
At Loreburn, we're committed to building strong and sustainable communities across Dumfries and Galloway. Our new build standard consolidates our approach towards offering affordability in use for our tenants, and sets us on the road towards achieving net zero carbon. By adopting Passivhaus standards, we're making sure that our tenants can afford to live comfortably in their home, while future-proofing our housing stock by ensuring long-term energy-efficiency.
Lorraine Usher, Chief Executive, Loreburn Housing Association
Further information
Passivhaus - Loreburn Housing Association
Passivhaus Benefits Guide & costs research
Dumfries affordable Passivhaus housing - Architects' Journal, 10 August 2021
Forsyth Street, Dumfries - Passive House Database
Setting the plan for affordable homes - Dumfries & Galloway Council, 01 February 2022