Passivhaus Affiliate

51 homes at Rainham receive Passivhaus certification

All 51 homes at an affordable residential scheme in Rainham, Essex have received Passivhaus certification. The development consists of a mix of family homes and apartments, arranged in two rows of three-storey homes, a row of two-storey terraces and an apartment building.

The project for Circle Housing Group is one of the largest in the UK, and has been built using Climate Energy Home's proprietary ecoTECH timber frame system. Architects Maccreanor Lavington worked in colloboration with WARM: Low Energy Building Practice to develop a site specific Passivhaus solution using the patented, off-site constructed build system .

Preliminary masterplan render by Architects Maccreanor Lavington

Key technical information:

Number of units: 51

TFA: 4 blocks totalling 4900m2

Services: One boiler and MVHR unit per dwelling

Thermal energy demand (predicted): 18.0, 14.6, 16.4, 14.5 (kWh/m2.yr)

Thermal energy load (predicted): 9, 9, 10, 9 (W/m2)

Primary energy demand (predicted): 111, 101, 105, 101 (kWh/m2.yr)

Airtightness test (actual): 0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5 (ACH@50pascals)

Form factor:  1.9, 1.9, 1.9, 2.4

Other energy standards: Code 4


Rainham is a terrific example of how smart thinking, in design and build, can be achieved at reasonable cost and meet the needs of those who need it most. By adopting Passivhaus principles we were able to bring a level of innovation to the project that not only ensured high quality, but the highest standards of sustainability along with affordability – a triumvirate seldom achieved” 

 Gerard Maccreanor, Maccreanor Lavington Architects



   Project team:   

   Client: Circle Housing
   Architect: MacCreanor Lavington/
   Climate Energy Homes
   Consultants: WARM
   Contractor: Climate Energy Homes
   Certifier: Cocreate


Further Information

Previous PHT Story: Rainham Passivhaus part of Prefab Housing Optimism -  7 June 2014

29th June 2015

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