Greens call for Passivhaus standards on council owned land
The Green Party is calling on local councils to respond to the Government’s cancellation of the 2016 Zero Carbon policy by specifying that all new homes and buildings should be built to Passivhaus standards on council-owned land, and as a condition of sale on all council land sold for development.
Chancellor George Osborne announced the cancellation of the Zero Carbon target in the Government's latest budget, as part of a policy paper entitled, 'Fixing the foundations'.
The introduction of the Carbon Compliance part of the target could have significantly increased the uptake of Passivhaus in the UK as the Passivhaus standard would come close to the target required.
The move has been met with widespread condemnation by organisations throughout the industry, with over 200 businesses supporting a UKGBC campaign to protest against the controversial policy change.
This backwards step by the Government will hardwire higher fuel bills for people living in homes built today. For people on low incomes moving into new social housing this will mean they are more likely to suffer fuel poverty and be faced with the difficult choice of whether to eat or heat their homes."
Councillor Andrew Cooper, Green Party Energy Spokesperson