Passivhaus Affiliate

Icebox Challenge Glasgow

Currently, 35% of global energy consumption comes from the building sector alone. Energy used to operate buildings, predominantly for heating & cooling, is the worst contributor to carbon emissions within the built environment. Better building design can help us reduce our carbon footprint without changing our behaviour. 


Icebox Challenge Glasgow

Under the patronage of the UNECE and in the lead up to COP26, the City of Glasgow will host the “Ice Box Challenge” from Friday 23 July – Friday 06 August in St Enoch Square, Glasgow. 


The public installation presents a visual demonstration highlighting the benefits of adopting a simple efficiency-first approach to buildings. One box is built to the Scottish Building Standard and the other to the Passivhaus Standard (deemed an international gold standard.) The structures are on display to the public for two weeks, each holding an equal amount of ice. How much ice will remain? When opened, the amount of ice left in each box will be measured & weighed. How much ice remains demonstrates how well each icebox keeps out the heat passively, without relying on any energy.




How much ice will remain?

Place your bet on how much ice will remain to win great prizes (from the 23rd July onwards). Which box will retain the most ice? Will it be the super-insulated green Passivhaus box? Or will it be the red box built to Building Regulations? Without relying on any active heating or cooling - can we reduce ice loss just with high-performance design? The closest ice bet will win!


  • Weekend stay in a UK Passivhaus B&B.  
  • Passivhaus prize packs to be won.


Currently being fabricated by PHT Patron Construction Scotland Innovation Centre, we look forward to revealing the winning student designs of the ice boxes at the opening ceremony.



It is such an amazing experience to get to build these boxes and gain insight into the construction process! It is honestly a dream come true! The necessary building materials were kindly supplied by sponsors Ecological Building Systems, AC Whyte and Construction and Manufacturing Group.

Lina Khairy, winning student design team member at Robert Gordon University.


Dates for your diary

23 July 2021

12:30 – 14:00

Opening Ceremony 

Councillor Kenny McLean, City Convener for Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm at Glasgow City Council, will officially open the Ice Box Challenge, along with several other Passivhaus representatives.

Watch a short video 

06 August 2021

13:00 – 14:00

Closing Ceremony 

Join us for the weighing! We reveal the results of the remaining ice & declare the winner of the ‘Guess the ice’ competition.


See full programme here.


The Icebox Challenge Glasgow forms part of the efficiency-first campaign organised by the International Passive House Association and partners. With this public display, organisers hope to raise awareness for the vital role energy-efficient buildings play in meeting our climate goals in the run-up to the UN Climate Change Conference COP26. Passivhaus is proven to be the most robust & cost-effective solution for achieving this in buildings without compromising comfort, health, and wellbeing.



Efficiency is crucial to meet net zero targets. The Icebox Challenge has travelled the globe and this year comes to Glasgow in the run up to COP 26. Student design competitions like this offer valuable opportunities for our next generation of architects and designers to get inspired by the climate action they can engage within. We anticipate the public installation will capture people’s attention, facilitate vital discussion and raise awareness of the impact of simple solutions such as Passivhaus.

Yogini Patel, Head of Campaigns & Comms, Passivhaus Trust



 The public installation is free to attend and will be on display for a fortnight from 23 July – 06 August. Volunteers will be available to answer questions and provide information on Passivhaus. Learn more about the Standard, guess how much ice will remain, and win great prizes. If you can’t get there in person – be sure to keep up to date with all the latest on the Icebox Challenge website:



Further Information

Icebox Challenge Glasgow

#IceboxChallengeGlasgow Media Pack & Press Release

Previous PHT story: Icebox Challenge Glasgow Winners - 17 June 2021

Previous PHT story: Icebox Challenge Glasgow student design competition - 23 March 2021

Efficiency First Campaign

What is Passivhaus


Currently, 35% of global energy consumption comes from the building sector alone. Energy used to operate buildings, predominantly for heating & cooling, is the worst contributor to carbon emissions within the built environment. Better building design can help us reduce our carbon footprint without changing our behaviour.

Under the patronage of the UNECE and in the lead up to COP26, the City of Glasgow will host the “Ice Box Challenge” from Friday 23 July – Friday 06 August in St Enoch Square, Glasgow. Join the official opening ceremony next Friday!


The public installation presents a visual demonstration highlighting the benefits of adopting a simple efficiency-first approach to buildings.  One box is built to the Scottish Building Standard and the other to the Passivhaus Standard (deemed an international gold standard.) The structures are on display to the public for two weeks, each holding an equal amount of ice. How much ice will remain? When opened, the amount of ice left in each box will be measured & weighed. How much ice remains demonstrates how well each icebox keeps out the heat passively, without relying on any energy.


How much ice will remain?

Place your bet on how much ice will remain to win great prizes. Which box will retain the most ice? Will it be the super-insulated green Passivhaus box? Or will it be the red box built to Building Regulations? Without relying on any active heating or cooling - can we reduce ice loss with just with high-performance design? The closest ice bet will win!


·       Weekend stay in a UK Passivhaus B&B. 

·       Passivhaus prize packs to be won.


Currently being fabricated by event sponsor Construction Scotland Innovation Centre working with the winning group, we look forward to revealing the winning student designs  of the ice boxes at the opening ceremony.


“It is such an amazing experience to get to build these boxes and gain insight into the construction process! This is honestly a dream come true! The building materials necessary for this were kindly supplied by the Challenge’s sponsors Ecological Building Systems, AC Whyte and Construction and Manufacturing Group.

Lina Khairy, member of the winning design team and student at Robert Gordon University.


Dates for your diary

23 July 2021

12:30 – 13:30

Opening Ceremony

Councillor Kenny McLean, City Convener for Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm at Glasgow City Council, will officially open the Ice Box Challenge.


06 August 2021

13:00 – 14:00

Closing Ceremony

Join us for the weighing - We reveal the results of the remaining ice! This will include declaring the winner of the ‘Guess the ice’ competition. 



The Icebox Challenge Glasgow forms part of a larger efficiency first campaign organised by the International Passive House Association and partners. With this public display, the organisers hope to raise awareness for the vital role energy efficiency in buildings plays in meeting our climate goals in the run-up to the UN Climate Change Conference, COP26, this coming November. Passivhaus is proven to be the most robust & cost-effective solution for achieving this in buildings without compromising on comfort, health, and wellbeing.

The public installation is free to attend and will be on display for a fortnight from 23 July – 06 August. Volunteers will be available to answer questions and provide information on Passivhaus. Learn more about the Standard, guess how much ice will remain, and win great prizes. If you can’t get there in person – be sure to keep up to date with all the latest on the Icebox Challenge website:

16th July 2021

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